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Python Programming for Data Science


The self-paced course on Python for Data Science by TimesPro is an extensive training program designed to equip candidates with the necessary skills and knowledge to use Python for data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning. In this programme you will gain hands-on experience and practice using Python to solve real data science challenges. You will learn popular libraries such as Pandas and NumPy. You will also get the ability to write programs using Python. The free Course on Python for Data Science offered by TimesPro is designed to introduce Python programming for data science, covering topics such as data analysis, visualisation, and machine learning.

Course format and duration

The duration is 9 hours, with video lectures, quizzes, and assignments to help learners gain hands-on experience. Suitable for beginners; no prior knowledge of Python programming or data science is required.

• Basic knowledge of laptops and computers

  • Laptop/Computer/Tablet
  • Good Internet Connectivity
  • 1800 120 2020

    Times Pro